Great Marriage Goals for the New Year
• Daily: Say, “I love you!” at least three times a day.
• Daily: Say "I love you!" through touch. A soft stroke or caress on the cheek, arm, or shoulder as you’re passing by says, “I acknowledge you and value you!”
• Weekly: Say "I love you!" through written communication. Try email, a post-it note, a secreted love letter, a message on the bathroom mirror or window, Facebook, a hidden card in a lunch box, or a card slipped in a purse.
2. Rekindle the Flame of Courtship
• Open the door for your wife (both at home and at the car) .
• Kiss your wife/ husband goodbye each time you leave home.
• Hold hands as much as possible.
• Pray together before bed.
• Call your wife/ husband during the day for no other reason than to keep in touch.
• Take time to properly greet your spouse after work. Hug, kiss, and cuddle. Take just a few minutes give undivided attention to each other and share news.
3. Plan a Getaway
• Sit down together with your spouse and plan a weekend away as your own personal mini-marriage retreat.
• Be creative to stick within your financial means. Have the kids away for a weekend, and just stay home—but refuse to answer the phone, get distracted by email or Facebook, or watch TV. Or plan a night window shopping at a favorite store, a picnic at the park, or a candlelit dinner and special movie. Even a romantic stoll can be a great mini-getaway.
4. Read a marriage enrichment book together.
• Read aloud and take turns reading a few pages a night.
• Allow the book to open discussion topics. Make comments and suggestions on how your marriage is going and how you might apply the material to your relationship.
5. Say "Thank You"
• Take time to thank your spouse for making and keeping these relationship goals with you.
• Say "Thank you" for the little things your spouse does to help you and show love to you throughout the day. Never take your marriage for granted!